Your Canvas to Collaborate with AI

When writing research papers, planning trips, or just organizing your thoughts, this is the best place to work with AI (and others).

App screenshot

Work with AI Better

A linear AI chat can't handle a real-life iterative process that is needed to create quality outputs. We provide the interface that can.

Stay in control
AI shouldn't replace the task at hand, it should enhance the process to complete it. Use AI to draft sections at a time and revise it yourself or guide AI to the right outcome for you.
Generate in context
Stop copy and pasting between documents and AI chats. Simply connect relevant pieces of information to provide context to the AI for the task at hand.
Work in real-time with teammates
Share your canvas with teammates and see their interactions in real time to accelerate your process.

Explore the features

We provide a set of features that let's you work as simply or as complex as you need to.

Store generated content on the canvas

Like what the AI generated? Drag and drop it onto the canvas to save it for later.

Apply the same prompt across multiple inputs

The function node let's yout connect multiple inputs to the same prompt to generate one output per input. So you don't have to repeat the same prompt over and over.

See your teammates changes in real time

Don't wait for the email or the updated document. Work on the same canvas in real time.

Get your own canvas today

Sign up today to get early access to our platform. is currently in beta testing, feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.